clear vinyl wrap Vinyl film wrappers need to know how to cut.

clear vinyl wrap

A perfect cut will make your wrap job stand out from others. A bad cut can cause serious damage to your installation, clear vinyl wrap especially if you are cutting directly on a vehicle. You might need to redo the entire installation in this instance. If you want a satisfied car wrap finish, clear vinyl wrap here are some things you need to pay attention to: Thickness Consider the thickness of your vinyl wrap film before you cut it. To ensure a clean cut, clear vinyl wrap you should press harder on the blade the thicker the vinyl wrap film.

Vehicle Wrapping

Temperature You should also control the temperature in your work space. You can feel the correct depth of your knife more easily if your material is cooler. If the vehicle film is too hot, you have a higher chance of cutting too deeply and causing damage to the paint. clear vinyl wrap It is best to keep your work area below 25 degrees Celsius. Blade Before you start cutting, clear vinyl wrap it is a must to trim and sharpen your blade. Sharp blades will ensure consistent edge and clean cutting. You can make terrible jagged cuts if your knife is dull. Cutting angle When cutting, keep your blade at a 10 degree angle. This will ensure that the blade cuts at the correct depth. However, if your car wrap is thick, make sure to press the blade hard enough. clear vinyl wrap After you feel the cut depth, avoid picking the blade as it can be difficult to maintain the consistency. You can practice using scrap vinyl film to get more hands-on experience. Learn more about wrapping at

clear vinyl wrap